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bear351c last won the day on August 16

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About bear351c

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    ..under a rusty FORD

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  1. bear351c

    Panko's Mk1 Escort (Round 2)

    Possible your leads are the issue, resistance breaks down over time. You might have to take a plug in to Autobahn...... surprised they even know what a spark plug is, these days. New leads and plugs, with correct gap should wake her up.
  2. bear351c

    Panko's Mk1 Escort (Round 2)

    Love those rims, very Mexicana. Could you get a low profile centre cap? or you happy as they are..
  3. bear351c

    Side pipes on Falcon ute

    Sounds about right for SA, as well.
  4. bear351c

    86 XF Falcon Ute not starting

    Yeah, bolt kits should be same from XA/XB etc, seat rail has a small "cup" over the square head of the bolt to stop it from turning. I always dab a weld on there as I hardly ever remove seat rails once they're in. As Dave said, they get cleaned up by dirt, speedbumps, tree roots and cats etc...
  5. bear351c

    XD seat spacers

    Standard seat rails from any XF will prob fit, Ute, Van, wagon etc. Or you can purchase new from Outlaw Speed or VPW etc. Can buy new repro XA/XB bucket seat rails from GT Ford/Grand Tourer etc.
  6. bear351c

    Converting to EFI Fuel Tank

    The 4 small hoses are part of the Emissions recovery system. Early XA/XB sedans, coupes etc didn't have them, late XB and the XC did. I've plugged mine of in the XA. Looks like a fuel return line next to the filler hose.??
  7. bear351c

    Spinning bolt of DEATH!

    Not sure about the position / location of the bolts. Vice grips on the bolt head Weld an old bolt/nut onto the existing one Hacksaw/grinding disc Leave overnight with some penetrating fluid on it (best found is 50/50 Acetone and ATF) HEAT is always your friend Do it up a little, undo, do it up, undo slightly more this time, do it up, undo it more again.......
  8. bear351c

    What's the deal with my crankshaft?

    Looks like a Brinnel hardness test gone wrong, as Thom said, and someone didn't use sleeves over the rod bolts when installing the pistons. (Small chatter marks). The crank should be OK if it was in a running engine, it would have failed by now for sure. Just need to make sure there are no sharp edges around the dents, use a 5 or 6 mm drill bit BY HAND, and slower chamfer the 'holes' then linish the journals with some emery tape etc.
  9. bear351c

    Xr Tunnel

    Normally around 3 degrees as Sparky Dave suggested. Honestly, it can be 2 -5* as long as your diff angle is the same, but opposite direction. stick angle gauge on manifold with carby off, engine fully installed, or transmission shaft hanging out the back of trans, should be angled 3* down, so make sure the diff is 3* up.
  10. bear351c

    Radial Tuned Suspension

    Yes, the holes do land outside the reinforcing on some Falcons. Weld a small tab of steel on so the bolt sits flat, or as @SPArKy_Dave suggested, there are other options available.
  11. bear351c

    Panko's Mk1 Escort (Round 2)

    Guess you buy one for an XB, and cut it down.? They are masonite with a bit of foam, or hessian on them, I think.
  12. bear351c

    Engine mounts interfering with oil pan?

    Looks like the weight of the engine is pushing the 2 mounts in towards each other. When they're bolted in they tend to "hang" spreading apart. As Chestnut said, the aftermarket Clevo sumps can be a bad fit, I've fitted a couple, and had to trim, grind, elongate holes etc. It's just symptom of the non genuine market. Got an old original sump you can slide in, just to see if it fits better.??
  13. bear351c

    Panko's Mk1 Escort (Round 2)

    WOW.......... One of the best looking small Fords, built the way YOU wanted it. The retro seat cover material on the Recaros looks ace. Did you end up with something to cover the rear of the back seat, form inside the boot.?? Just so you can't see the frame. Credit to you, mate. Excellent results.
  14. bear351c

    Panel Van Interior Builds

    Would be way cool, and friggin' expensive, if you had 2 big ar$e flat screens on the sides, playing vast amount of stars moving sideways. Give you the feeling that your'e travelling through space. LMAO. Great work, mate. Should be proud of your achievements.
  15. bear351c

    Panko's Mk1 Escort (Round 2)

    Could be points bounce, could be coil, could be vacuum leak, could be timing, could be old fuel, could be spark leads, could be i got no idea what I'm talking about. Let us know what ya find..... Love this little Esky. ...........and this one too.!