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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/04/2018 in Posts

  1. 2 points

    XF EFI Fuel problem?

    If you do disconnect the afm and it makes no difference to how it idels/revs, then I would start there. Should have a 5v, earth, signal from r the afm and 2 other wres that are air temp sensor. From memory... It's been a while.
  2. 2 points
    Outback Jack

    XF EFI Fuel problem?

    Fuel injector leak...????? Bit of crap stuck in a pintel keeping it open be my guess. Set of fuel injectors rekitted is cheap. Or the fuel reg has a broken diaphram... or a broken vac line to it. Making it think it's at wide open throttle Try those. Sent from my GT-S7583T using Tapatalk
  3. 1 point

    351 into 84 xe

    It’s to do with adr27c 1983 revised cause 1982 follow version adr27b.Emissions from what I gather. I have heard and read that in NSW require engineers but yet Victoria don’t. Even in EPA Victoria states that a v8 can be put into any XE cause it was a option. Best bet would be call a engineer or RMS NSW. To me it makes no sense when all states are meant to follow federal rules on vehicles. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. 1 point

    351 into 84 xe

    i did it with Mine, and BGDAV's is also a 1984, no engineers required in Vic going back over 5 yrs.. just needed a mechanical report saying all V8 components were used in conversion. (aka , springs and brakes) no idea on the current rules, but i'd be guessing it would be simple with engineers if you needed one(should also be simple for XF really)
  5. 1 point

    XF EFI Fuel problem?

    I will pass this on to my mechanic tomorrow after work, I also have an spare AFM...
  6. 1 point

    XF EFI Fuel problem?

    Also, check water temp sensor, its the 3 wire one that feeds the ECU. NOT the single wire one in the front of the head. I've Had one of them shit itself before and it caused the exact symptoms you described. It can be tested by checking it's range using a multimeter set to resistence and putting it boiling and ice water and recording that result.l and comparing to known values. I should still have the values recorded somewhere from mine if you get that far.
  7. 1 point

    AU/BA front end into XD/XE

    you'll have to get an app for your browser to see the photobucket pics, google photobucket fix addon for whatever you use(chrome or firefox etc) His wife got sick at some point and the project stalled but it was pretty much finished, just not to a high standard he wanted.. i haven't checked on it or him in ages, but here's the thread on xfalcon.. there is a heap of photos of how he did it. http://www.xfalcon.com/forums/index.php?/topic/25812-ba-au-upgraded-xe-the-boss/
  8. 1 point

    AU/BA front end into XD/XE

    Thanks guys, I will have a look over there also. This place looks pretty good so I might hang around a bit too. Thanks again.
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