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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/27/2024 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    Back space of wheels lately has really got my interest,especialy in x series,trying to fit 8 inch wide rims on my xe is not as easy as it sounds,back in the day you could buy 14x8 12 slots from bob jane with zero ET or 4 inch backspace, which would work on the front,as the 14x8 hotwires had a -6 ET,and did not fit correct ,well they did but came within 1mm of hitting suspension bits,generaly speaking most ford factory wheels in the 6 to 7 inch have a backspace of 3 and 3/4 or +6 ET,0 ET will work but cutting it fine,+ 4 or 5 i would prefer.
  2. 1 point

    Radial Tuned Suspension

    I was looking at getting the King Springs / Koni set-up but the price was way too much; around twice of what I could get Pedders springs and shocks for here in UK. So I went the Pedders route; Sports Ryder coils 2033, big bore gas front shocks 9158, and gas shocks on the rear 9075. I also comforted myself that the spring rates would be better matched to the shocks' damping coefficient compared to springs/shocks from different manufacturers. In my research for what was out there I came up with the following table based heavily on the information that Pedders provide because they are the most transparent. Hopefully this may be of use to others and I would welcome any additions, corrections or clarifications. Global West and King there is literally no information available from the manufacturer, so the information I have is pretty speculative. For spring drop Global West seem to suggest cold cutting the springs - which I thought was always frowned upon? Interestingly, the Global West springs seem to be a lot stiffer than the Pedders.
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