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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/30/2024 in all areas

  1. 1 point

    Weber 34 ADM needs refurb

    ah i didn't see that electric solenoid, that's where the idle jet is then. the other is possibly for idling up the engine if it's about to stall (air con switched on at idle etc) i haven't looked at one for many years, but the first thing i'd do regardless is just take the diaphragm covers off and check them, split, stiff etc = issues. (there's another on the inside of the top cover under the thing with the spring on it which i believe is a low vacuum enrichment part, as in going up a hill in a higher gear with low revs) do it once do it right is great, @SPArKy_Dave has listed links to geniune diaphram kits which would no doubt last longer than the repro stuff available today.(at repco etc)
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