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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/07/2024 in all areas

  1. 3 points
    Nato of Falcons

    Thermostat 250 Crossflow.

    Guys, thanks heaps, this had me sweating at 11pm haha. I looked at the wording and was like ???? What??? Have I been wrong this entire time? (It happens a lot haha) I went to look in the manual and it says "Place the thermostat back in reverse of removal" and without pictures I was nervous I was going to put it in wrong hahaha. God I love this site.
  2. 2 points

    Thermostat 250 Crossflow.

    that motorad looks like just a brand name? that part goes into the head where the hot water touches the spring part to let it open. so opposite to how you are holding it in the first pic like below (only pic i could find on google)
  3. 1 point

    Thermostat 250 Crossflow.

    Ignore the 'MotoRad' wording... that's just the brand name of thermostat, which Tridon re-box's from India. The spring part, goes into the cyl head. The dome shape, faces the radiator as-per @deankxf's helpful picture. What I would recommend though, is test the new thermostat in a pot of boiling water first, using a thermometer to check it opens/closes correctly. I never quite trust aftermarket parts these days - especially suspension components (see @deankxf).
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