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About guerin92

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  • Birthday 11/06/1992

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    Not Telling
  • Location
    Murray Bridge, SA

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  1. guerin92

    351 Cleveland in a ZL fairlane 1985 carby

    Its classed as a category 2 engine change. Im talking with an engineer about it at the moment im not trying to be rude but I think he would know what is and isnt aloud after all it is his job to know lol
  2. guerin92

    351 Cleveland in a ZL fairlane 1985 carby

    So long story short you can legally put a 351 Cleveland into a xf/zl aslong as its disc break rear 225mm x24mm minimum and its stock stroke 302=3inches and 351=3.5inches thats all in South Australia anyway.. so thats what im doing
  3. guerin92

    351 Cleveland in a ZL fairlane 1985 carby

    Im going to contact some engineers and find out directly from them will let you know how it goes. Thanks for all the advice so far.
  4. guerin92

    351 Cleveland in a ZL fairlane 1985 carby

    Changing bodys now would be a nightmare its already a perfect shell sandblasted and no rust except for in wheel archs.. which is half repaired :$
  5. guerin92

    351 Cleveland in a ZL fairlane 1985 carby

    The ZL is identical to ZJ and ZK (bar hanging panels and lights) why would I need chassis rails designed to cope when there the same as a zj an k? and its alread disc brake rear 225mm rotors which is one requirement, v8 springs are cheap enough change the sway bar to a v8 and it'd the same as a zj/k?? Im confused?
  6. guerin92

    351 Cleveland in a ZL fairlane 1985 carby

    What about zj and zk they had v8 s
  7. guerin92

    351 Cleveland in a ZL fairlane 1985 carby

    Im in south Australia I didnt think we needed an engineer's cert?
  8. Hey guys just doing a bit more research on what im trying to do does anybody now if a fairly standard 351 Cleveland in a ZL Fairlane would pass these and if so how???? A carbon canister must be fitted, operational and connected to the fuel tank and induction system. The vehicle must also be fitted with sealed engine rocker cover(s), regardless of engine fitted, vented via the engine's induction system. Vehicles must not emit more than 4.5% carbon monoxide and 250 parts per million of hydrocarbons at engine idle speed.Per ADR 27A, vehicles must not emit more than 2.5% carbon monoxide and 250 parts per million of hydrocarbons at engine idle speed.
  9. guerin92

    help needed crossflow

    Hopefully when it sells its to me!! haha is your new engine a 250 crossflow?? like just a different setup or is it a completely different engine?
  10. guerin92

    help needed crossflow

    I would love to buy it but right this very moment but i cant afford it just yet but that should change soon hopefully
  11. guerin92

    help needed crossflow

    Yeah mate that makes sense saves me money for other things, any info on combos? tips?
  12. guerin92

    help needed crossflow

    @tyler such a tough engine how could it not draw attention lol so what engine are you gunna go with now?
  13. guerin92

    help needed crossflow

    Okay, now the dumb questions, what companys make kits or bottom end parts for crossflows? and what should I be looking to pay?? and for an engine builder to do it? I would do it but its probably safer getting someone whos been doing it for years to do it. 2.5 duals only an idea? but ive seen in some threads that crossflows need good exhaust and breathing... so id assume duals would be better than single? or no?
  14. guerin92

    help needed crossflow

    Would you recommend a bottom end rebuild what are they worth? any good reliable combos
  15. guerin92

    help needed crossflow

    Cheers Tyler so they're fairly decent?? I've read your build very nice but your selling it?? Slydog im still sussing it all out, reading alote of crossflow builds and I think ill end up going with a 650 double pumper?? on an aussiespeed manifold? open to suggestions if thats to big/unnecessary? At the moment its a stock 84da (317, 000ks) virgin block and the head is the same where and how much should i get shave to get the compression up? The exhuast is confusing as well people say that a dual 2.5 setup doesn't fit and others say it does :/ It's gunna be a t5 but im unsure of diff gearing 3.32?? also itll be a daily driver that will give bommadores a run for there money hopefully. lol