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  1. Jjdenby

    Falcon xh ignition switch problems

    I have done this four about four months and its not helping anymore
  2. Jjdenby

    Falcon xh ignition switch problems

    Thank you everyone for the advise. I have allready disabled the immobiliser and i think i might be the smartlock module but ill will try every suggestiin. Its a bit hard for me to get parts for it because its 1997 and on top of that i live in south africa so its very hard to get spare parts for it
  3. Hii im new to the owners club I have a slight problem with my ute. When you turn on the igintion to the on position everthing works but when you turn to sturt it al you hear is a cluck sound from the engine bay (probably the aircon clutch kicking in) i have read somewhere online that if you hit the steering colum against the dashboard it will start and it worked for a whine but now its not doing anything. The funny thing is that this only happens some times and not allways. And funny enough the owners manual says leave it on for 30 min and then it starts but this method does not allways work i would really like to get to the bottom of thus please