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the miracle stick mechanic

Falcon XG and E-series: Door buttons sluggish/stiff

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Door buttons sluggish and stiff to move :
For the door buttons to work properly and smoothly the rod connecting the latch to the outside door handle must be in tension when the handle is fully released. Additionally, the latch should be removed and soaked in oil overnight .
This is achieved firstly, by fitting a motorcycle rear brake light switch spring ($4.00) to the outside handle lever inside the door .Alongside the weak standard spring . The outside door handle should snap back when released.
Secondly , adjust the rod between the latch and the outside door handle. At the clip where it connects to the handle .
For the rod to remain in tension when the outside door handle is released  requires  adjustment at the clip.

The only freeplay at the door handle should be what exists in the door handle assembly alone.

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