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Everything posted by blackxt

  1. So I need to read better . No diffence
  2. blackxt

    Airbagged falcon

    Best would be YouTube search bagged zl fairlane
  3. blackxt

    Airbagged falcon

    Parked lol yeah low enough to break a ball joint in the front. Driving it slamed I'll upload a picture of it layed outlater The travel it had was the best part.
  4. blackxt

    Airbagged falcon

    Also you will find you can't go really low with coils any way as the control arms bind in the back and the rails are in the way
  5. blackxt

    Airbagged falcon

    I brought my stuff from Charles in act . It was simple but had massive travel up and down . Air rides not worth it IMO and at the end of the day you can't drive bags low. And who wants to drive around high . I removed the bags went back to springs went lower than I did with bags in the back . But all the time. I could make another kit like mine was if I had interest.
  6. I'm looking for fitting that will screw into a APA tank outlet and t into two pieces I can run ten mm line off . I've no idea what size or thread any thing is but I no what I won't. Went to enzed they couldn't help.