Hi guys, i am new to getting back into the clevo scene. I have a nice 351 coming soon, but it wont come with exhaust manifolds etc.
When i brought my xe off a mate he threw some extractors in with it in the boot, I fished them out today and they are MOTIVATOR ones. (lukey?) . Part number is A MPH 595.
Would anyone know what they are? ( quality , 2V /4V) Also call me stupid but the motor that is coming has 4v heads on it, so whats the difference when listed 4v extractors? I assume the exhaust size or something? So is it possible to use the extractors i have here, if i find out they are 2v or will i know immediately when the motor arrives they wont work/fit? I am trying to save $$ by using them as they look pretty new. Cheers