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Everything posted by SweetXF

  1. SweetXF

    Adding hidden FM

    https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/proxy/xVOredg1l4fUU-Jp4UfnMyjEDJz9l2iXSGKoXCUbXc5-wfY4NBLZslY9R3Gbq_mGM3IiviAipOMSCUMn3yiVIkjko-cxQxMllOspW-N-UMBU4s-yrR4tWy2AhSNhO_oMaNqP1py3Y7TDbTzLm6A8ZBIvSds3Beeq-4sPYw=w384-h384-nc Here is another idea if you can get working cassette. You can stream almost any Australian radio station through your phone with an app called 'tunein radio', and plug your phone into the 'cassette'. Only thing you would have to be careful with is your data usage on your phone, but you can circumvent this by just playing your own music collection instead of the radio of course. Never actually used one of these cassette thingos though, so cannot tell you how well they actually work. Sent from my Galaxy Note 4........FAKE! Admit it, you thought I had money for a second didn't you?
  2. SweetXF

    XF sedan stripe ideas

    Agree with all the first part of your post, but I'd never heard of the bit I've quoted. Good think to keep in mind. Thanks
  3. SweetXF

    XF sedan stripe ideas

    I have a yellow XF sedan that I was thinking of putting some stripes on. I am just looking for others ideas/suggestions on what would look best. Prefer if you could attach a pic of your idea for better reference. <br />Here's my current favourite, but I'm still looking for other ideas. <br />="http://jessespics.weebly.com/uploads/4/8/1/3/48139639/3933338_orig.jpg"]http://jessespics.weebly.com/uploads/4/8/1/3/48139639/3933338_orig.jpg <br />looking for ideas for the front back and sides, but may not stripe them all. <br />thanks in advance <br /> <br /> <br />
  4. SweetXF

    XF sedan stripe ideas

    That actually was another idea of mine. Any pics of it on an XF?
  5. SweetXF

    XF sedan stripe ideas

    <br /><br />To be honest, cant really see that working. Any chance you know of a pic of it on an x series? <br /> <br /> <br /><br />Will have to try Photoshopping that onto my car. <br /> <br /> <br /><br />yeah, open to any color ideas. again will try that <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />thanks for the suggestions, keep them coming! <br />
  6. SweetXF

    XF bodykit, should I?

    I have been looking around the internet, for a bodykit for my XF. All i can find is a MMM bodykit, but i was looking for something more subtle. Any ideas?
  7. SweetXF

    XF bodykit, should I?

    That wing has just given me some great inspiration. Thank you very much!
  8. SweetXF

    XF bodykit, should I?

    yeah, I was originally going to put a bodykit on it but once I saw what was available, and what other people are doing, I was getting second thoughts. that's why I posted the question, to see what everybodys general opinion was, and then make up my mind.